立体的なポケットが特徴的なベストはコム デ ギャルソン・オムでは珍しいニット素材を使用した一枚。通常よりもザックリと取られたアームホールにゆったりとした身幅が今までのニットベストとは違うシルエットバランスを作り出します。また左右につけられたニット素材の立体ポケットもアクセント。ウール素材を使用しTシャツやシャツとの重ね着に適した一枚です。 The vest features three-dimensional pockets and is made of knit material, which is rare for Comme des Garcons Homme. The armholes are wider than usual and the width is loose, creating a silhouette balance that is different from previous knit vests. The three-dimensional knit pockets on the left and right are also accents. Made of wool, this piece is suitable for layering with a T-shirt or shirt.
The vest features three-dimensional pockets and is made of knit material, which is rare for Comme des Garcons Homme. The armholes are wider than usual and the width is loose, creating a silhouette balance that is different from previous knit vests. The three-dimensional knit pockets on the left and right are also accents. Made of wool, this piece is suitable for layering with a T-shirt or shirt.