【With A Beginner’s Mind】French Terry ポロシャツ Long Sleeve 人気No.1
メーカー型番:FRENCH TERRY POLO LO 弊社販売カラー名:メーカーカラー名 カーキ(036):WARM STONE 弊社販売サイズ名:メーカーサイズ名 M(803):M L(804):L
【With A Beginner’s Mind / ウィズ ア ビギナーズ マインド】
Growing up, pursuing a career in fashion felt more like a day dream than a tangible goal. I didn't know how to start, but I never let that stop me from trying.
Despite countless rejections, I eventually found my momentum and I haven't looked back since. In 2020, I was fortunate enough to receive the opportunity to learn design and start With A Beginner's Mind.
With A Beginner's Mind is my medium to storytell life experiences through clothing. Through WABM, I've learned so much about not only design but also myself. I hope that when you see my work and read my thoughts, you're inspired to seek gratitude, practice mindfulness, and embrace a learning mindset.
カーキ(036):WARM STONE
【With A Beginner’s Mind / ウィズ ア ビギナーズ マインド】
Growing up, pursuing a career in fashion felt more like a day dream than a tangible goal. I didn't know how to start, but I never let that stop me from trying.
Despite countless rejections, I eventually found my momentum and I haven't looked back since. In 2020, I was fortunate enough to receive the opportunity to learn design and start With A Beginner's Mind.
With A Beginner's Mind is my medium to storytell life experiences through clothing. Through WABM, I've learned so much about not only design but also myself. I hope that when you see my work and read my thoughts, you're inspired to seek gratitude, practice mindfulness, and embrace a learning mindset.
- Matt Pham