〈COMME des GARCONS HOMME〉のブランドロゴを左胸にプリントしたシンプルなロゴ入り長袖 Tシャツ。胸のポケットに配されたさりげないプリントながらも、そのバランスからロゴが持つ強さを感じさせてくれるデザインが魅力の一枚です。 A long-sleeved T-shirt with a simple logo printed on the left chest with the <COMME des GARCONS HOMME> brand logo.Although it is a casual print placed in the chest pocket, the design that makes you feel the strength of the logo from the balance is one of the charms.
A long-sleeved T-shirt with a simple logo printed on the left chest with the <COMME des GARCONS HOMME> brand logo.Although it is a casual print placed in the chest pocket, the design that makes you feel the strength of the logo from the balance is one of the charms.